Domain Subscription

Domain Subscription

Why Subscription?

The Subscription (opens in a new tab) feature makes renewing your domain on the Starknet network easy and worry-free. It uses a special contract that automatically takes care of renewing your domain for you every year, so you don't have to remember to do it yourself or deal with any gas fees.

How to enable subscription

1️⃣ Go to your identity page & click on "enable subscription" button


2️⃣ Select the domain to renew & click on "enable subscription"


3️⃣ The enable subscription feature has been activated


How to disable subscription

Go to your identity page & click on "disable subscription" button


If you have any issue, please feel free to contact us on Discord (opens in a new tab) by opening a ticket.

Security Audit

The Subscription smart-contracts have been audited by independent third-party security firms to ensure user security. You can take a look on the Audits (opens in a new tab) section.